710 Beach Club

This is 710 Beach Club's bar page showing all of their specials on one page with a map and contact information.

PHONE: (858) 483-7844

WEBSITE: https://www.710bc.com/

last sync: 12/27/2023

MONDAY: $10 Cheese Pizza All Day; $7.10 all drinks;

TUESDAY: 2 Tacos for $10 All Day; $4 Dos XX and Pacifico's; $7.10 Margaritas; 2 for 1 tequila shots;

WEDNESDAY: $10 Chicken Tenders; 2-for-1 Whiskey shots;

THURSDAY: $10 Spicy Chicken Sandwich; $7.10 bottle and draft beers;

FRIDAY: $10 Sliders; $7.10 all drinks;

SATURDAY: Build Your Own Burritos and Omelets; Bottomless Mimosas; Frozen Slushies;

SUNDAY: All You Can Eat Brunch 10am-2pm;